Friday, 11 February 2011

Web Design Diary

When deciding who should be delegated the task of creating the web page for our teaser trailer package, I stepped forward and took on the task due to having gained skillsfrom previous tasks completed on the Macromedia Dreamweaver MX software. Therefore the construction of the website was in my hands. This meant that I had to ensure the web page coveys and portrays a professional image as well as correlating with the poster which was being created by the other two members of my group. Another important factor that I had to ensure was that the web page and poster both linked back to the trailer to ensure that viewers are able to notice a clear link across the three aspects.

Before I began to create the web page, i wanted to familiarize myself with the software so i spent a 2 hour lesson experimenting with the different aspects of the software package so I was able to find the most suitable techniques for my final web page.

Although it took only 2 lessons to create the full website, i kept a diary of what I accomplished on each day so that I was able to refer back and show the other members of my group what I had achieved. The diary is shown below:

Web Page Design Day 1:
On day 1 of the web design i focused on creating a layout and structure so that I was able to then insert the main image into the centre of the page to finish it. Therefore I created a black background to work as the under layer for the web page of which the main information and images were going to be placed on top of. I also added text at the bottom of the page to create a professional look. Also, on this day i created the navigation bar with interactive rollover buttons. In order to create these I had to go onto photoshop and design the same word twice in different colours so that when scrolled over by the user, the colour changes.

Web Page Design Day 2:
On day 2 of web design I inserted an image onto the middle of the web page  and then added additional symbols and text at the bottom of the page to define and refine the page. As well as going this, I created a title for the film on photoshop with another member of my group that we then placed on the web page. This title is also going to be inserted on the poster and at the end of the teaser trailer.

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