Friday 11 February 2011

Poster Design Diary

The task of creating the poster for our trailer package was delegated to the other two members of my group, i was largely involved in the creation of the poster due to one of the members not attending the lesson. Therefore I was able to ensure that there was going to be strong and clear links between the poster and web page. Myself and the other member of my group was aiming to create a poster diary where we stated the aspects of construction, however working in a group we managed to create the poster in one day. Therefore the steps that we took in order to create the poster are bullet pointed below:
  • We took the image used on the web page that was created on photoshop via the merge and blur tools
  • We placed this image on a plain white background and used a background fill (black) to create the plain dark background
  • We then looked at different DVD covers for inspiration on the text to include at the bottom of the poster
  • We then placed text onto the bottom of the poster and created an R Rated 18 symbol to locate in the bottom right hand corner of the poster
  • We then used the title located on the web page to locate at the on the poster as well as writing our names at the top of the poster
  • We then added a quote from 'The Guardian' newspaper saying our film was a 4 star film and was a good film to go and watch
Once we had done all of the above we gained feedback from the rest of our class on what we could improve and refine to make the poster look better. We refined sections of the poster such as the location of character names and the text at the bottom of the page which gave us the finished poster that we were both very pleased with.

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